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Tamera Reynolds

Marathon & Ultramarathon - Hammering Since: 2013

Hi I'm Tamera, and I've been a Hammer athlete since 2015. I am a marathoner, trail runner, and ultramarathoner, and have used exclusively Hammer Nutrition products since 2013, when I was training for my first Boston Marathon. What drew me to Hammer originally was Recoverite. Once I realized what a great product it was, I started using Hammer fizz, gels and so many of the amazing supplement products, and found that my endurance improved, I stopped cramping at mile 22, and my recovery got easier. Even as a fitness and sport nutrition specialist, I am always learning amazing things from the brilliant team at Hammer, and I continue to stay pretty fast even into my 50s through smart training and good nutrition. I love that their products are organic and non-GMO, which is meaningful to me.

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