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Hammer Salve

All-Purpose Herbal Salve

Boo-boo’s can happen anytime whether it's during training, work or rough housing. They say “if it's itchin, it's healin”; but don't scratch that road rash! Instead put some Hammer Salve on to soothe and speed-up recovery.



Made in USA

Hammer Salve is an all-purpose herbal salve for compromised skin. With seven herbal plants with known healing properties, Hammer salve is packed with all natural ingredients to assist compromised skin in recovery.The small packaging makes it perfect for throwing in a gear bag, purse or the rear pocket of a jersey. Apply a light layer to compromised skin after cleansing, re-apply as necessary.

Ingredients: Calendula (calendulaofficinalis) Flowers, Chaparral(Larrea tridentata), Chickweed(stellaria media) & Plantain(Plantago) Infused Olive (Oleaeuropaea) Oil, Beeswax,Vitamin E, Rosemary (salviarosmarinus) Seed Extract,Essential Oils of Lavender(Lavendula spp) & Sage(salvia officinalis)


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