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John Erickson

Hammer Time!

As an integral part of the Death Ride team and a participant, I get to be a part of organizing and training to compete in one of North America's premier rides. My name is John Erickson, and I love completing distance cycling events. As the Course Safety & Tactics Coordinator of Death Ride, I interact with both participants and ride supporters (from the Death Ride team to volunteers, riders, and sponsors). We enjoy having many sponsors, but only Hammer fits in my training, organizing, and competing life.

Hammer Nutrition produces all the products I need and use to fuel during my rides. As I prepare for Death Ride, and during Death Ride, I use many Hammer products to improve my performance. During pre-ride, I use Endurolytes, both capsules and Fizz, to pre-hydrate. At the beginning of rides, usually in the first half, I use Perpetuem to keep fuel and reserves at pre-ride peak. Then, as I transition to the second half of rides (like Death Ride), I use Heed and Hammer Gels to keep fueling until the end of the ride. My post-ride starts with Recoverite to get quick replenishment and reduce recovery time. My job at Death Ride gets tougher the day after the ride.

I have only been Hammering since COVID, 2020. Over the past four years, I have built from Fizz and Recoverite to the Hammering routine I now use to compete in events from pre-ride to post-ride. Hammer has the products I need to stay strong throughout the cycling process.

My personal victories and successes keep Hammer Nutrition at the Death Ride. Our riders ask for and expect Hammer products at our ride. Death Ride wouldn’t be the same without Hammer.

John Erickson
Course Safety & Tactics Coordinator
Death Ride® - Tour of the California Alps

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