Cellular health has a profound effect on performance and health
Maintaining the health of your mitochondria—your cells' energy-producing "furnaces"—is one of the most important keys to achieving your best athletic performance. Many athletes understand the importance of proper fueling, but often fail to realize the key role of mitochondria in athletic performance and overall health. As the mitochondria age, deteriorate, and/or become dysfunctional, athletic performance declines and the risk for age-related diseases, such as cancer, increases.
That's why I consider Mito Caps an essential daily supplement for athletes and non-athletes alike. The Mito Caps formula powerfully addresses the vitally important issue of mitochondrial health. Here's what you can expect from regular use of this critical supplement:
1. Greater energy and endurance because of improved cell energy metabolism. Two nutrients in the Mito Caps formula—acetyl l-carnitine (ALC) and r-alpha lipoic acid (R-ALA)—are responsible for this benefit.
- ALC, like all forms of l-carnitine, is the nutrient the body requires for efficient utilization of fatty acids for fuel. Additionally, ALC appears to reduce the depletion of ATP by forming acetyl-CoA, which one nutritional expert states "[is] the most important intermediary in the generation of energy from amino acids, fats, and carbohydrates."
- R-ALA is an essential cofactor for several multi-enzyme complexes (primarily the dehydrogenase complexes) that catalyze (increase the speed of a chemical reaction) critical energy metabolism reactions inside the mitochondria.
2. Improved use of fatty acids as fuel. The ALC component in Mito Caps is the key nutrient your body needs to utilize "fats for fuel." Mito Caps also contains ascorbyl palmitate, the fat-soluble form of vitamin C, which enhances the bioavailability of carnitine, resulting in greater fat utilization capabilities. Ascorbyl palmitate also has antioxidant properties.
3. Brain protection, enhanced cognitive function. Only the ALC form of l-carnitine is able to cross the blood-brain barrier, where it provides antioxidant support for the brain and protects its cells from toxic chemicals. ALC also provides acetyl groups, which may be used in the formation of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine, which is involved in cognitive function. DMAE (dimethylaminoethynol), a nutrient found in fish, stimulates the production of choline, which in turn allows the brain to optimize production of acetylcholine.
4. Superior recovery and immune system support. Nearly every nutrient in the Mito Caps formula—ALC, R-ALA, ascorbyl palmitate, vitamin E, DMAE, PABA (Para Amino Benzoic Acid)—has powerful antioxidant properties. R-ALA is particularly impressive, as it is believed to be the only nutrient that functions as both a water- and fat-soluble antioxidant, with the ability to quench several different types of free radicals. Additionally, R-ALA enhances glutathione levels in the body. Glutathione is one of the primary antioxidants produced directly by the body, and it plays a key role in immune system health. R-ALA can also revitalize and extend the "lifespan" and potency of nutrients such as CoQ10, vitamin C, and vitamin E.
No question about it, the unique Mito Caps formula helps mitochondria work more efficiently and stay healthier. As Bill Misner, Ph.D., summarizes, "The longer you can stimulate the lifespan or health of the mitochondria, the longer you will live and the better you will perform in endurance events. The athlete who has the most healthy/efficient mitochondria is the athlete who performs at their best."
Want yet another reason to take Mito Caps daily? Check out this article!
I usually take them before and after I run is it better to take them in the morning and then at lunchtime as stated by Hammer Nutrition…….I love these products and obviously want to get the best benefit.
Thank you
Are any of the ingredients in Mito Caps on the list of prohibited substances published by WADA?
Hammer Nutrition replied:
Hello, That would be an emphatic NO to this and every product Hammer sells. BDF
I have been taking tissue Rejuvenator, mito, race and now psa Caps for over 10 years. I am certain, now at 70, I can perform and recover better than those who don’t. I have had many injuries through the years and I believe that tissue Rejuvenator has been a awesome product for recovering.
Hammer Nutrition replied:
Hi Mike, thank you so much for your long term testimonial. I’m so glad that you are enjoying the benefits of multiple Hammer products – there is synergy. Thank you for your continued support and keep Hammering! BDF
I have a question. My nephew was born with mitochondria. He’s 6 years old now. Been in and out of hospitals since he was born, sometimes minor and sometimes serious. Would Minor Caps be beneficial for that kind of disease?
Hammer Nutrition replied:
Hello Steve, I’m sorry about your nephew’s condition and I’m not entirely sure what it is. However, if he has trouble with mitochondria generation/health, this product could be very helpful as it has been clinically proven increase mitochondria generation and reduce cell death. Being so young, you would definitely need to consult with his physician before beginning use. BDF
Are Miot Caps available in South Africa? If yes, where and who is the distributing company?
Hammer Nutrition replied:
Hello Duduzile, unfortunately, they are not. Race Caps Supreme are though and they are a Daily Essential as well and would be a great place to start. BDF