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Product Spotlight! Endurance C

By Steve Born

Comprehensive Vitamin C Blend

We’re super excited to announce the arrival of this unique, comprehensive, and potent formula. Endurance C contains three types of vitamin C, as well as numerous bioflavonoids that perfectly complement vitamin C and its all-important effects.

The benefits of vitamin C supplementation are so numerous and wide-ranging that space prohibits listing them here. (Do an Internet search on “benefits of vitamin C” and you’ll be scrolling for a long, long time.) So we’ll only mention the most important, which comes from research examining the relationship between vitamin C blood levels and patient health:

People with higher blood levels of vitamin C were at significantly lower risk for heart disease and cancer death—and were up to 25% less likely to die from any cause.1

The study showed that people whose blood samples at age 16 contained the highest levels of vitamin C had significantly lower risks of dying. Those in the top quarter of baseline blood vitamin C levels had a 25% reduction in mortality rates compared to those in the lowest quarter. The top 25% were also at a lower risk for both heart disease and cancer deaths, 16 years later.1

Vitamin C is classified as an essential vitamin because unlike other animals, humans cannot make vitamin C. We must get it from diet or supplements. While many foods contain vitamin C, the amount that most of us consume is insufficient. That’s why we designed Endurance C.

The Endurance C Formula

Amounts per 3-capsule dose

Calcium Ascorbate (1000 mg)

Unlike “regular” vitamin C (ascorbic acid), which is extremely acidic and may cause gastric distress, calcium ascorbate (also called “neutral C or “non-acidic C”) has a pH of 7.0–7.4. The calcium ascorbate compound is 10% calcium and 90% vitamin C, so you receive the benefits of both nutrients supply.

Ascorbyl Palmitate (12.5 mg)

This is a non-acidic, fat-soluble form of vitamin C that reaches specific areas of tissue that standard vitamin C cannot, allowing it to neutralize specific free radicals.

Hesperidin 95% HPLC (500 mg)

A major bioflavonoid found primarily in lemons, oranges, and tangerines, hesperidin supplies a number of benefits for vein and cardiovascular health. It is also an antioxidant and helps to reduce aches and soreness.

Rutin (500 mg)

Another powerful antioxidant, this bioflavonoid is found in a variety of fruits and vegetables, especially apples and figs. Rutin helps enhance circulation, is believed to help lower LDL (“bad”) cholesterol, and also helps alleviate aches and soreness.

Citrus Bioflavnoids 40% (250 mg)

Citrus fruits contain a number of bioflavonoids: diosmin, naringin, tangeretin, diosmetin, narirutin, neohesperidin, nobiletin, and more. All possess antioxidant properties, optimize circulatory health, and support the immune system. Some citrus bioflavonoids even help defend against allergy reactions.

Rose Hips (Rosa Canina) (75 mg)

In addition to being a natural source of vitamin C, rose hips are a rich source of antioxidant carotenoids and polyphenols. One is tiliroside, which has antioxidant properties and is also believed to assist in non-stimulant fat loss.

How to Use

We suggest taking 3 capsules of Endurance C in divided doses daily. On long-duration workouts, take one capsule prior and two capsules afterwards for recovery benefits.


Endurance C provides you with three different types of vitamin C in optimal amounts—not the bare minimum Daily Value (DV) or Reference Daily Intake (RDI) amounts. It also has many other wide-ranging and undeniably important benefits You simply won’t find a more potently comprehensive vitamin C supplement! It’s reasonably priced as well, with a 90-capsule bottle (30-day supply) retailing for $22.95. Go online or give us a call to order Endurance C today!

References available upon request

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