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Todd Hine

Ultra Runner - Hammering Since: 2009

Hi, my name is Todd Hine and I have been a Hammer Sponsored Athlete since 2009. My passion has been and remains running, and for several years, Hammer Nutrition supported me through about a decade of Ultra-running. I enjoyed the challenge of long distances coupled with the training it required. With Hammer Nutrition supporting me, I was able to complete my first 100-mile race in  December 2014. Hammer Nutrition has been by my side not only in my athletic realm. As a Guard/Reserve Army Officer and a school teacher, Hammer supported me through several career transitions including a deployment to Iraq, where Hammer ensured my shelves remained fully stocked not just for myself, but for several other soldiers in my unit as well. Not to mention the fact that more than a few Hammer family members remained in contact while deployed. And THAT sums up my relationship with Hammer Nutrition: They have been a secondary family to me. I am humble and grateful to remain a part of the Hammer Nutrition Family as a Legacy Athlete. Thank you, Hammer Nutrition!

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