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Vitamin C – Powerful Protection Against “The Big C”


The findings from recent research: “After comprehensively review of literatures, we concluded that intake of vitamin C was related to lower risk of multiple cancers of diverse systems.” [1] Given that cancer is the second leading cause of death, after heart disease, these findings are nothing short of profound. According to the CDC, “In 2020, there were 602,350 cancer deaths; 284,619 were among females and 317,731 among males.” [2]

Led by Zeyu Chen, PhD, researchers conducted a comprehensive umbrella review, which is defined as “a review one that compiles all the evidence from existing reviews on a topic to give a high-level overview.” A total of 19 meta-analyses that included 3,562 articles of cancer-related outcomes related to vitamin C intake were reviewed. The results, according to the research:

Vitamin C consumption was associated with lower incidence of bladder cancer, breast cancer, cervical tumors, endometrial cancer, esophageal cancer, gastric cancer, glioma, lung cancer, pancreatic cancer, prostate cancer, renal cell cancer, and total cancer occurrence. Vitamin C intake was also related to decreased risk of breast cancer prognosis (recurrence, cancer-specific mortality, and all-cause mortality).

Put into numbers, compared to the study participants with the lowest intake of vitamin C, those whose vitamin C intake was highest had a:

• 42% decreased risk of esophageal cancer
• 42% decreased risk of cervical cancer
• 34% decreased risk of stomach cancer
• 30% decreased risk of pancreatic cancer
• 22% decreased risk of kidney cell carcinoma
• 17% decreased risk of lung cancer
• 16% decreased risk of bladder cancer
• 15% decreased risk of endometrial cancer
• 14% decreased risk of glioma (a type of brain and spinal cord cancer)
• 11% decreased risk of breast cancer
• 11% decreased risk of prostate cancer

Overall, total cancers were 13% lower in the participants with the highest vitamin C intake.

These results are astounding, and all a result of vitamin C intake. In regards to amounts of vitamin C people need, the researchers stated: “The recommended daily vitamin C intake of the Institute of Medicine is 75 mg/d for adult female and 90 mg/d for adult male; however, this recommendation was only for the prevention of vitamin C deficiency and has been doubted for years.”

We have been trumpeting this message for years; the standards most everyone is familiar with—Daily Value (DV), Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA), Reference Daily Intake (RDI)—are essentially the minimum amount needed for staving off a deficiency disease, and have very little to do with optimal health. As this study clearly shows, higher vitamin C intakes decrease the risks of many forms of cancer.

A more appropriate standard is the Optimum Daily Intake (ODI), which, for vitamin C, ranges from 500 mg to 5,000 mg per day, with 2,000 mg/day being the most commonly suggested amount. These higher amounts are especially important for athletes, who deplete nutrients at a higher level than sedentary people. On a side note, two-time Nobel Prize recipient, Dr. Linus Pauling, often referred to as “the godfather of vitamin C,” reached a level of 18 grams (18,000 mg) of vitamin Cdaily. Pauling’s extreme dosing of vitamin C never once appeared to negatively affect his health, but instead most likely contributed to his long life of 93 years. While no one needs to emulate Pauling’s dosing practices, his daily vitamin C protocol shows how safe this vitamin is.

Ten Foods High in Vitamin C

Guavas – 377 mg per cup
Kiwifruit – 167 mg per cup
Bell Peppers (especially red bell peppers) – 152 mg per cup
Strawberries – 98 mg per cup
Oranges – 96 mg per cup
Papayas – 88 mg per cup
Broccoli – 81 mg per cup
Tomatoes – 55 mg per cup Tomato
Snow Peas – 38 mg
Kale – 23 mg

Get the Full Amount of C You Need with Endurance C

While we should aim to get much of the vitamin C we need daily from food sources—and also for the myriad health-benefitting phytochemicals found only in whole foods—it’s clear that supplementation is necessary to achieve ODI levels. That’s where Endurance C comes in. Every 3-capsule dose supplies 800 mg of vitamin C from two different forms: calcium ascorbate (“buffered C”) and ascorbyl palmitate (fat-soluble C). In addition, Endurance C contains nutrients/compounds that complement vitamin C perfectly: citrus bioflavonoids, hesperidin, quercetin, and rose hips. As you can see, this is no mere vitamin C product; it’s much, much more than that... it’s how Hammer does vitamin C!

For more-detailed information about each of the ingredients in this unique, powerful, and cost-effective vitamin C supplement, click on the INGREDIENT BREAKDOWN tab on the Endurance C product page. Give Endurance C a try and see how it will positively influence your health and well-being, including the major benefit of protecting you from multiple forms of cancer.



Good info and I am going to give Endurance C a try!


This is great news for vitamin C.

Charles Farrell

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